I say this is a much needed vacation because due to the down-turn in the economy, we've been doing a lot of "soul searching" concerning what direction Alhambra Antiques needs to go. We have come to acknowledge that the store has become rather dated, due to the fact that a lot of the sitting inventory has been, well, sitting for more than a few years. We have never devised a "clearance" or liquidation policy as our thought has always been: "what's a few more years for furniture that is more than 100 years old?" Except that even with antiques, the truth is that there are trends and antiques that at times are worth more than others. It is time to reinvent ourselves. The question of course is where do we go from here? How do we create a new antiques store? Without losing the positive effects (or asset) of a 20 year reputation and maintaining our faithful clientele? This is getting to be as complicated as the bailout...surely, over some excellent, wine, cheese, and fois gras, we will be able to think clearly.

No better city than Paris to take some time for yourselves. Lovely photographs, xv.
sorry that we will be crossing paths! We'll be going at the end of June/July...
If you need to reinvent, there is no better place for inspiration.
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