Monday, April 21, 2008

1st Dibs Monday Madness

Because interior designers wait until Wednesday to see the "New Listings" on 1stDibs each week, that means Monday and Tuesday are loading madness days for us on the dealer end. Perhaps I didn't mention that our site was selected to join 1stDibs in February. It all happened at the Miami Beach Antique Show where we had a fabulous booth. This picture really doesn't do it justice. I'll see if I can get some better ones from my husband. Michael Bruno, who was scouting the show for jewelry and watch dealers...his next big thing, was brought over to our booth by a friend of his who was convinced we had the best booth at the show. When I saw him I knew I had to throw myself at his feet. Well not really, but I knew I had to strike up a conversation. I'm pretty chatty (or loquacious as someone once put it) so that wasn't too hard. He said we were "approved" on the spot and gave me his personal card so I could follow up on it. You bet that he had an email in his Inbox on Monday morning. This is now month three of our 1stDibs membership, here's the direct link, and so far we've sold two items through the site. Out of about 75 that we've listed. Let's hope the we can pick up the pace because we are still selling more on our regular site than on the 1stDibs site. Perhaps someone could give us advice on what to post, what designers are looking for on the site. I think it is still the go-to place for mid-Century and not 19th century which is really what we specialize in. Any thoughts?

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