I also let them eat on the fine china they were given as birth gifts, so we've lost a couple of Tiffany bowls by now, but I don't mind. Last week Cecilia dropped a porcelain Royal Doulton "bunnykins" bowl she was taking to the sink and she was devastated. "Mommy, my bunny plate...I LOVE my glass plates, Mommy." Then she proceeded to make attempts at explaining to me how we could just put it back together, or take it to Omar, our store's in-house restorer, as "he can fix anything." I was so proud of her expressing a love for the differentiation between plastic and porcelain. Marcelo on the other hand is in an only plastic phase as he wants to only feed himself and likes to throw things on the floor once he's had enough. Though when I feed him his cereal in the morning I use a porcelain plate, as I keep it in my hand. He's become quite independant lately and is talking a lot which is so fun. His favorite toy is a set of Le Creuset silicone pinch bowls my mom has at her house. They are in four colors and he can now identify them all, in Spanish, of course. Tux, my sister's Boston Terrier chewed one up a little bit and he was really upset about it. I think I'm going to buy him his own set soon. Thanks for indulging me in my more personal blog today...counting down the days to Paola's due date, 3 weeks to go (if I make it)!