(Doesn't this photo look like it was taken decades ago...nope, just taken last month!) I've been putting off writing about my trip to Paris earlier this month, only because there are so many nice things to write about, I never know where to start! We timed our trip to coincide with one of the most charming antiques fairs in central Paris, La Foire de Saint Sulpice. You may recall the movie, The DaVinci Code, made this church quite famous. It is in the 6th arrondissement, which is right in the middle of it all. The church has a large square in front of it which allows for a nice size fair. Shops such as Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, and Christian Lacroix line the square, and Catherine Deneuve's apartment overlooks it. Every summer, la mairie, organizes a series of fairs to run consecutively in the square. There is a book fair, a "games" fair, the antiques, etc.
While I love many things about Paris, France, and traveling in general. My favorite thing is meeting different people and personalities. Antiques dealers as a group are particularly interesting in my opinion. The whole bohemian lifestyle attracts a curious lot (I suppose that would include me as well). Here is a photo of a few dealers at closing time of the opening day of the fair sharing some champagne with Madame, the organizer of the fair. Nothing like a little bubbly right before dinner.

Have a great 4th of July weekend! Thanks for passing by and more to come next week!